Are Your QuickBooks Integrations Quick and Easy?

By Jeff Stuncard | August 23, 2023 | Tips and Tricks

Whether you’re a client or a lookie loo (my aggressive realtor mom’s term for people that didn’t immediately buy), FlowLink’s time-saving QuickBooks integrations will lower your blood pressure, reduce stress, and banish those frown lines.

If you are part of a successful, rapidly growing eCommerce venture, then take a moment for a lightning quick summary of the most robust eCommerce accounting integration software currently on the market:

QuickBooks Integrations:

As an essential part of almost every “after sale” transaction, orders should flow seamlessly from your store into QuickBooks, while updates in QuickBooks flow right back to your store.

QuickBooks Online:

If you use QuickBooks Online and almost any shopping cart system, FlowLink can have you up and running with a fast, seamless integration in no time flat.

QuickBooks Desktop/Enterprise:

While QuickBooks Online is increasing in popularity, it is still a simplified version of the old stalwart, QuickBooks Desktop. If you love the old girl and don’t want to give her up, don’t frown!

Even though QuickBooks Desktop/Enterprise, as off-line products, requires a few extra steps for us to integrate, we have tamed the pioneer and, unlike other solutions, this integration works like a charm. The developers at FlowLink have spent years mastering how to integrate the desktop version – something most of our competitors are unable to offer!

Customer Error Notification:

Have you used other QuickBooks integrations that didn’t let you know when a client entered something incorrectly? FlowLink has an extensive error notification system that is standard fare for every integration on our platform, so no more orders left hanging. Unlike other platforms out there, if the order doesn’t process, you are notified immediately.

Extreme Customization:

As a new kind of internet technology company that embraces the hybrid product/service model, FlowLink gives you the best of both worlds through its highly flexible/extensible platform.

Customize to fit your specific way of doing things with a little extra time and a small additional investment. Don’t frown. Just ask!

Image of Jeff Stuncard
Jeff Stuncard is the Operations Liaison for NuRelm, the 25 year old parent company of FlowLink. He has a successful 30 year history of working in front-facing positions with numerous private sector companies, governmental agencies, and non-profits. Jeff is also a Councilman for a suburb of Pittsburgh, PA and renovates properties in the city. You may contact Jeff directly at [email protected].

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Are Your QuickBooks Integrations Quick and Easy?

August 23, 2023   |  Tips and Tricks

Whether you’re a client or a lookie loo (my aggressive realtor mom’s term for people… Read More