Things were great when the orders started rolling in

For Ann, online sales increases are the stuff of sweet dreams. She doesn't even mind entering orders into the accounting system, sending them to the shipping provider, updating tracking numbers, adding clients to the CRM, and everything else ... until that incredible ad campaign that took her store from 10 orders in a day to 1,000.

Freedom in FlowLink

When Ann found FlowLink, she was out of time and up to her ears in spreadsheets, imports, exports, and incompatible e-commerce plug-ins. FlowLink turned Ann's frown upside down with easy, flexible, automatic workflows that worked in the real world, not just on paper. Bye bye modules and plug-ins, hello friendly FlowLink integrations.

It's even better than that

FlowLink didn't just free Ann from a pile of slow, manual work. It provides her with a backend where she can see her WHOLE e-commerce system's transactions in one place. FlowLink surfaces details on every single Product, Customer, Shipment, and Order, and how each flowed from system to system. Perhaps even more important: FlowLink tells Ann when something is wrong ... gone are the days when a problem getting an Order to the logistics provider isn't discovered until an angry client reports it.

Time for the fun stuff

Now that extra orders don't mean extra grunt work, Ann can focus on the work she loves. And on how to get more orders.

What our customers are saying

FlowLink setup was super easy and quick.  We were going to use another product for our integrations, but are so happy that we didn’t.  The FlowLink developer we worked with was great and always resolved any questions the same day or next day at the latest.

Jamie McKibbon Amma Healing

It has been so refreshing to work with patient and competent professionals who can distill vast and technical amounts of knowledge into digestible bites.

Ron Richter ProFresh

FlowLink has been an indispensable tool for managing complex integration scenarios between the various applications that support our eCommerce store.

Anthony D’Addeo Personal Wine