Focus on your business, not your software

Connect apps & integrations to assemble your workflows and automate your business.

Loads of integrations

FlowLink's long list of integrations covers the tools you use with your store, including, accounting, ERP tools, sales channels like Shopify, and customer relationship management (CRM) systems

Point, click, integrate

When we say it's easy to use FlowLink to automate sophisticated workflows, we don't mean "it's really sort of hard" ... no. We mean easy.

Uninstall those modules

Are you ready to ditch the pile of incompatible modules and plugins installed on your store? FlowLink does not require you to install any modules in your store.

Flexible workflows in three steps

Pick an Integration

Choose a connection from FlowLink's long list of integrations, including tools such Shopify, QuickBooks (QBD and QBO), Magento, ShipStation, WooCommerce, MailChimp, Salesforce, and MANY more!

Create a Flow

Tell FlowLink what you want to do. Maybe you'd like to send new store Orders to your QuickBooks account, send new customers to your MailChimp list, send new shipments to Shipstation, and send any updates to those objects BACK to your store? No Problem!

Let It Do Its Job

Once you tell FlowLink what you want to do and how often to do it, just sit back and let it take care of the tedious work. You'll receive notices of any errors in the FlowLink user interface. Now you can figure out what you want to do with all your new free time. We'd like to suggest more relaxing...

Free your data

Error Notifications

Flows keep on flowing with no intervention from you ... unless there's an error. FlowLink's fine-grained error handling and notification pulls you in the loop when you need to be there. Find out there was an issue with an order BEFORE the client knows!

Use Any Data Anywhere

Normal modules and plugins do their usually-very-limited thing. FlowLink does YOUR thing, YOUR way. Send your product, customer, order, and shipment data wherever it needs to go, whenever it needs to get there. Our onboarding process gives you the ability to customize the integration setup exactly how you want it.

Transactions Across Systems

Want to keep an eye on how data is flowing between your store, accounting system, email marketing lists, and shipping provider? FlowLink will show you.

Open-Source Integrations

Is there a FlowLink integration that you'd like to improve. Not only will NuRelm's services team be happy to help you, but your development team is free to fork, improve, and use any integration anytime.

What our customers are saying

It has been so refreshing to work with patient and competent professionals who can distill vast and technical amounts of knowledge into digestible bites.

Ron Richter ProFresh
After a few days of letting this run and checking results, everything is working great!  Thank you so much for this tool!
Garnett Callis StageDrop, LLC

FlowLink has delivered! Not only was the implementation process quick and seamless, we are beyond impressed with the level and quality of continued support.

Ron Richter ProFresh