Take a minute to consider how you’ve been doing business

By Jeff Stuncard | August 10, 2023 | Tips and Tricks

I’ve found that I often get so focused on accomplishing specific tasks that fill my day-to-day calendar that I lose sight of the big picture. Am I doing it that way because that’s the way it’s always been done and I don’t want to rock the boat or lose any momentum? You bet. Is that the best way to drive our enterprises forward in an information economy? Intellectually, I know the answer to that is a big fat NO.

Even if you’re using a couple of back office platforms for efficiency, there are more ways to further simplify/ automate your operation. What if you took an hour today to step back and really think about the way that all of your various systems (accounting, eCommerce, shipping, CRM’s, inventory, fulfillment, etc.) interact? Maybe they are operating independently, with each one performing its specific functions, but not communicating externally, except through manual processes.  How much time is this costing your company every single day? Think about a tool that is embedded into your system that allows all of them to automatically push or pull all relevant information at set intervals.

FlowLink developers have built more than 50 of the most commonly used platforms (FlowLink Integrations) and we are building new ones all the time. With these integrations, you can forever change the way that you do business, saving you time, money, and stress. Don’t see what you need? Tell us what it is and we’ll let you know if we can build it.

We can provide a fast and free assessment of your current office configuration, and suggest ways to save you significant time and money – every day for the life of the company!

Contact FlowLink and let us know what you want to accomplish.

Image of Jeff Stuncard
Jeff Stuncard is the Operations Liaison for NuRelm, the 25 year old parent company of FlowLink. He has a successful 30 year history of working in front-facing positions with numerous private sector companies, governmental agencies, and non-profits. Jeff is also a Councilman for a suburb of Pittsburgh, PA and renovates properties in the city. You may contact Jeff directly at [email protected].

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