Integrate Shopify with Anything

By FlowLink Staff | September 28, 2017 | Integrations

As your business starts picking up speed, you may find yourself needing to maximize your efficiency. As the frequency of Shopify orders ticks up you might find yourself drowning in busywork, needing to translate those orders into invoices, deliveries, further sales opportunities, and contacts.

Getting this data out of Shopify and into other software systems does not have to be a headache. With FlowLink, the data you want to move flows into and out of Shopify, seamlessly and on your time.

With FlowLink’s Shopify integration, you can:

  • Send order information to your customer management system when an order is placed
  • Automatically sync inventory with your inventory management system
  • Send information to your accounting system
  • Seamlessly sync customer data with your email marketing system

We understand and have heard the concerns from Shopify customers; they want all of their tools to work together without compromising quality and efficiency. With FlowLink, their needs are fulfilled with integrations built for the most popular e-commerce tools.

Also, FlowLink’s parent company NuRelm, is an 18 year old custom web app development and integration firm, so we can customize/add any additional flows that you don’t see listed above. FlowLink can bend to your will. Get 100% of what you want, not just 80% of what you need.

Do you have an additional flow to suggest for FlowLink’s Shopify integration? We’d like to hear from Shopify users as we continually work to improve this integration.


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