Walled gardens everywhere

By Joaquín Perez | May 25, 2021 | Tips and Tricks

The more connected we get, the more isolated we are. Sounds like a trope but every day it rings more true: everybody wants you in their little walled garden.

FlowLink tears down those walls by allowing information to flow between the different walled gardens.

Maybe you have Shopify but you want to do your shipping via ShipStation. What was easy suddenly becomes a chore: every sale on Shopify means you have to log into ShipStation and create the fulfillment manually. Keep it up and you’ll die crushed by your own success: imagine the joy of selling thousands of products every day, right with the nightmare of creating thousands of fulfillments on ShipStation every day.

That’s where FlowLink shines. Our multiple integrations make their way across plaforms –provided you give them the API key, of course; FlowLink isn’t anything if not polite– and lets you enjoy the joy of success, taking the nightmare out of it.


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FlowLink's parent company, NuRelm, is celebrating 25 years of building software that matters